What Blood Work Can Show Us
about your HEALTH!
What the “cell” is going on?!
Most people don’t think about the smallest functioning unit of our body, the cell.
Why would you, unless you are a biologist, or scientist? Or … when you have someone like me, to think about it for you!
I’m currently reading a book called, “The Song of the Cell - An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human,” by Siddhartha Mukherjee.
I can sum up the point of the book in these lines the author writes:
“The metabolism of an organism reposes in the metabolism of the cell. The reproduction of an organism reposes in the reproduction of the cell. The repair, survival, and death of an organism reposes in the repair, survival, and death of cells. The behavior of an organ, or an organism, reposes in the behavior of a cell. The LIFE of an organism reposes in the life of a cell.”
You are the ‘organism,’ the life. Organized within millions of differentiated cells that make up all your organs and ultimately YOU!
But how do we know how the metabolism, reproduction, survival, repair, death, behavior, and life of our cells, and therefore ourselves, are doing?
You Guessed IT: If you’ve been reading my newsletters, hopefully you will have guessed correctly >>> Your Blood Analysis
Short of taking a biopsy of an organ, we can tell a lot about how the majority of your organs are doing by running blood work.
With the right labs and interpretation we can uncover and support cellular processes that may be leading you down a pathway towards disease and away from health.
If you are experiencing symptoms NOW is the time for your to open the door and take a look at your health on a cellular level.
Phone, Zoom, or In-person appt
Here’s a True Story:
I ran labs for a patient and discovered he was pre-diabetic, has stage 3 kidney disease, high risk for a cardiovascular event (heart attack or stroke), and has very high systemic inflammation. His main complaint was hip pain, otherwise he ‘felt’ fine. These are all serious findings, yet he was mostly asymptomatic.
We met on Zoom and he immediately started the conversation with a smile and said, “I just talked to my medical doctor. He saw the labs you ordered and he says everything looks good” … (my eyes widened) … “he said, there is no medication I can give you. You’re fine.” - my jaw hit the floor.
Interpretation is Everything!!
Reference Range vs Functional Range
Traditional Reference Range
Most medical doctors use traditional reference range when interpreting labs.
This range is a set of values for any given test that is considered "normal" for the general population, regardless of the health status of that population
Once the value is either lab low or high, it is flagged and considered pathological.
In the case mentioned above, his doctor will not intervene until he has full-blown diabetes, has a heart attack or stroke, has kidney failure and needs dialysis, or develops any number of diseases stemming from chronic systemic inflammation (cancer, arthritis, auto-immune, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer's, etc.)
Optimal-Functional Range
Functional range is a narrower range of values that is considered to be ideal for optimal health and prevention.
Unlike the reference range, it is not based on the general population but rather on the latest medical research and scientific evidence.
This range is used by doctor’s like myself, or other functional medicine practitioners who focus on optimizing patients' health and wellness, BEFORE it becomes pathological!!
When a lab result is flagged using functional lab values, we can begin to course correct
an underlying dis-ease process you could be running, even though you may not have any blaring symptoms!
Phone, Zoom, or In-person appt
Maybe you already have lab work done and according to your doctor, everything is fine, but you don’t feel fine.
Or maybe you suspect you may have underlying issue that you can’t quite put your finder on. For example, people who have fatigue, injuries that won’t heal, joint pain, sleeping problems, snoring, general stiffness, to name a few, are great candidates for a functional screening.
Take Advantage of my FREE 10-Minute Consultation Call
If you’re not sure how to begin …
… simply CALL OR TEXT
For a FREE 10-minute Discovery Call so we can find and focus on what you need most right now!
Welcome Diego Bean
to my family. This precious little guy captured my heart. He’s a rescue and the newest member of our tribe!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you the best in health and community spirit.
Dr. Bean
with Lady, Sandy and Diego