Why Does Everything Hurt?!
Do you ever FEEL this way ABOUT YOURSELF?
Chronic - Systemic - Inflammation!
I imagine everyone has heard of inflammation, but what the heck IS it?
Inflammation is a natural and essential part of being a human on a planet filled with microbes, toxins, and ways to injure the body. It’s essential for healing and fighting infection.
When inflammation is low-grade and occurring over a long period of time, it’s hard to put a finger on why you feel pain: joint pain, muscular pain, stiffness, chronic low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain.
In the majority of cases when the pain is chronic, there IS a systemic inflammatory component.
I often hear my patients ask, “Well how did I get it? I eat well, I stretch/exercise, I see my chiropractor (or acupuncture/PT/healer) so why does the pain persist?”
The “why” is multifaceted. The body’s natural response to injury IS inflammation. It’s a protective mechanism to ward off a perceived threat. Threats come in many forms including injury, wounds, infections, lifestyle and toxins.
A cascade of events occurs including immune system activation, a chemical storm leading to blood vessel changes and permeability shifts, and tissue repair mechanisms. This is a natural ACCUTE response … until it becomes chronic!
“When inflammation becomes chronic and dysregulated it WILL contribute to various health problems. Balancing the inflammatory response is critical for maintaining health!”
Bottom line:
1. unaddressed injuries lead to joint dysfunction which leads to chronic inflammation (as a protective mechanism)
2. toxins from lifestyle (carbs, grains, mold, industrial, air, water …) will cause a chronic inflammatory response!
Unaddressed chronic inflammation is the recipe for:
Chronic pain (inflammation)
Stiffness (no, it’s not that you’re getting old)
Stubborn weight loss (inflammation)
Diabetes (inflammation)
Cardiovascular Disease (inflammation)
Some Cancers (inflammation)
Arthritis (inflammation)
Cognitive decline (inflammation)
Some Hormone imbalances (inflammation)
and many more! (Geez Louise)
How do I know if I have Inflammation?
Running some blood work to check inflammatory markers is the best way to know if you’re running systemic inflammation.
Inflammation does cause pain, however if it is low-grade and chronic you may or may not have symptoms. Yet, it can still be running its course just under the radar of symptoms.
Injuries that won’t heal
Chronic pain
Stiff joints/ muscles
Weight gain/ Weight loss resistance
Brain fog
Lack of motivation
Food intolerance
Acne/ Skin issues
Chronic sinusitis
What’s the Good News Dr. Bean?
It’s reversible …
… to a point.
The good news, my friends, is that chronic inflammation is REVERSIBLE. Getting a grip on unchecked inflammation and stopping the cascade of chemicals surging through your body WILL improve your health and quality of life!
How can you help me?
Schedule an initial consultation with me so we can review your health history, symptoms that you want to improve, and health goals you want to achieve. I’ll determine which labs are relevant and recommend a personalized care plan.
Personalized Approach
Initial Consultation - YOUR goals
Labs based on your symptoms and goals
Phase One 30 days: Address metabolic, immune, and inflammatory issues
Phase Two 30 days: personalized recommendation based on YOUR laboratory findings
Re-Evaluate after 60 days
If you’re still reading this:
The reason I’m talking about inflammation is because I often hear of people talking about chronic (manageable, yet limiting) pain that “no one” can help them with.
I honestly believe you don’t have to live with it.
Aging with grace IS an option.
“ I guess i’m getting old” is NOT why you have symptoms.